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19 Best Medicine Ball Workouts for Beginners (Step by Step Guide)

by RitFit Sports 05 May 2022 0 Comments
19 Best Medicine Ball Workouts for Beginners

 Medicine ball is one of the oldest exercise equipment still in use. It is great equipment for a full-body workout. You can comfortably find medicine balls lying around at the gym; however, not everyone knows how to use them. If you are new to using medicine balls and have searched for the best medicine ball workouts for beginners, you are at the right place. Here in this guide, we will share some of the best exercises that you can comfortably perform from the comfort of your home using a medicine ball.



In this article, we will share the following:

  1. What is A Medicine Ball
  2. What is in A Medicine Ball
  3. What are the Benefits of Medicine Ball Workouts
  4. The Best 19 Medicine Ball Workouts for Beginners
  5. What Muscles do Medicine Balls Work
So, stay with us and read this guide to explore the best medicine ball workouts and discover the benefits of performing these exercises.


What is A Medicine Ball?

A medicine ball is a weighted exercise ball used mainly by athletes for a full-body strength and endurance training. In addition, a medicine ball is widely used in physical therapy settings as it helps in promoting stability and aids in recovery.

This magical exercise tool tones the arms, shoulders, core, and back. You can comfortably use it at home to enhance your workout sessions. Do you know what muscles do medicine balls work? Stay tuned to find answer. 

What is A Medicine Ball


What is in A Medicine Ball?

Medicine balls are available in various sizes. The shells of these balls are made of various materials such as nylon, vinyl, leather or dense rubber. However, the inside of a medicine ball is stuffed with sand, gel, or inflated air. 

What is in A Medicine Ball


What are the Benefits of Medicine Ball Workouts?

medicine ball workouts offer countless benefits. Some of the benefits of medicine ball workouts are:
  • Medicine ball workouts develop explosive power and help in building strength
  • These workouts enhance speed, movement, and improve accuracy for physical preparedness
  • Medicine ball workouts target your muscles, glutes, lower body, and hence play a vital role in developing strength
  • Medicine ball workouts are a great way of improving rehabilitation after injuries

 So, without further delay, let's explore the best medicine ball workouts.


The Best 19 Medicine Ball Workouts for Beginners

Here is a list of the 19 best medicine ball workouts that you can perform from the comfort of your home. 

19 Best Medicine Ball Workouts for Beginners


Medicine Ball Workouts 1.  Chest Fly with Stability Ball

To perform this exercise, you need a stability ball and a medicine ball. This exercise primarily works on pectoralis major muscles to move arms horizontally forward.  Let's see how you can perform this exercise.

19 Best Medicine Ball Workouts for Beginners Chest Fly with Stability Ball

Muscles Worked

  • Pectoralis Major Muscles 

Equipment Used

  • Medicine Ball
  • Stability Ball

How to Do it 

  • To start this exercise, you have to place your back on the top of a stability ball. This stability ball will engage your balance and build strength in the upper body and abs. Also, your shoulder blades should be on the stability ball, and both of your knees should be bent at ninety degrees.
  • While lying on the stability ball, take the med ball either in your right hand or left hand.
  • While bringing the hands together, pass the med ball to the opposite hand and separate your hands until they get parallel to the ground.
  • Perform multiple sets of repetition

If a stability ball is unavailable, you can perform this exercise on a plyometric box or a bench.


Medicine Ball Workouts 2.  Ball Slam

Ball slam is an exhausting plyometric weighted ball exercise to develop power and strength. This medicine ball workout is good for your cardio health as well. Medicine ball slam benefits in various ways. These medicine ball workouts target your entire body and increase agility. It is always advised to use a heavier medicine ball to perform this exercise.

With a med ball, you need ample space to perform this exercise. Let's see how you can perform a ball slam using a med ball. 

19 Best Medicine Ball Workouts for Beginners Ball Slam


Muscles Worked

  • Entire Body

Equipment Used

  • Medicine Ball

How to Do it 

  • Stand shoulder-width apart with the medicine ball straight above your head.
  • Slightly bend at your hips.
  • While keeping your arms extended, slam the medicine ball into the ground as hard as possible. (Make sure that the medicine ball you are choosing offers enough bounce to get back to you but not so much that it bounces away.)
  • Once the medicine ball reaches back to you, catch it and reach the starting position again.
  • Perform multiple sets of repetition


Medicine Ball Workouts 3.  Medicine Ball Wood Chop

Medicine ball wood chop is an excellent exercise for those who feel a burn in their obliques. This dynamic exercise strengthens your both upper and lower body and targets the abs and obliques. Let’s see how you can perform this exercise using a medicine ball. 

19 Best Medicine Ball Workouts for Beginners Wood Chop


Muscles Worked

  • Abs and Obliques

Equipment Used

  • Medicine Ball

How to Do it 

  • Stand tall with your feet a bit wider than shoulder-width apart
  • Rotate your torso to the right while holding the medicine ball. Lift the medicine ball above your right shoulder while rotating your torso
  • Rotate your torso to the left and bring the med ball down across your body to hip height on your left side
  • Perform ten sets of repetition and then switch the sides


Medicine Ball Workouts 4.  Crunch

Crunch is another excellent variant of medicine ball workouts. This workout is perfect for beginners and targets muscles in your lower abdomen. Here is the procedure to perform crunch with med balls. 

19 Best Medicine Ball Workouts for Beginners Crunch


Muscles Worked

  • Lower Abdomen

Equipment Used

  • Medicine Ball

How to Do it 

  • Lie faceup with your knees bent at 90 degrees and both feet on the floor.
  • While holding the medicine ball in your hand, crunch up, hold and then reach back to the starting position.
  • Perform multiple repetitions


Medicine Ball Workouts 5.  Crunch with Legs Elevated

Crunch with elevated legs is another variant of crunch workout with a med ball. Let's see how this exercise is different from a simple crunch workout. Here is the procedure to perform crunch with elevated legs.

The starting position for crunch with elevated legs is somewhat similar to simple crunch. The difference is, in this workout, your legs should be elevated such that the left and right feet are in the air. Both of your legs should be straight.

19 Best Medicine Ball Workouts for Beginners Crunch with Legs Elevated


Muscles Worked

  • Lower Abdomen

Equipment Used

  • Medicine Ball

How to Do it 

  • Hold the medicine balls in both of your hands.
  • While engaging your core, lift your arms and legs straight up to meet above your mid-body. Crunch upwards so that they both touch.
  • Gradually, lower back to the starting position
  • Perform multiple sets of repetition


Medicine Ball Workouts 6.  Figure 8

Figure 8 medicine ball workout is just like ribbon dancing; however, it is not that graceful. This medicine ball workout strengthens arms, shoulders, and obliques. Let's see how you can perform this exercise. 

19 Best Medicine Ball Workouts for Beginners Figure 8


Muscles Worked

  • Arms, Shoulders, and Obliques

Equipment Used

  • Medicine Ball

How to Do it 

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Hold the medicine ball in front of you with one hand on each side of the ball.
  • Gradually start moving the ball in a fluid-like controlled motion forming an imaginary figure 8 in the air in front of you. (Eight has to be sideways, just like an infinity sign)
  • Continue doing so for 30 seconds. After that, move in the opposite direction so that you aren’t going the same way each time.

While performing this exercise, keep this thing in mind that you are aiming for strength and precision and not speed.


Medicine Ball Workouts 7.  Forward Lunge

The med ball forward lunge targets your obliques, apart from working on your quads and glutes. Let's discuss how you can perform this exercise using a medicine ball. 

19 Best Medicine Ball Workouts for Beginners Forward Lunge


Muscles Worked

  • Arms, Shoulders, and Obliques

Equipment Used

  • Medicine Ball

How to Do it 

  • Stand tall by holding the medicine ball in both hands at chest level
  • Step forward into a lunge using your left foot. Make sure your knees do not go past your foot.
  • Press the ball forward so that your arms are straight
  • Reach back to the starting position
  • Continue performing this exercise with the left foot for 30 seconds and then shift to the right foot.
  • Perform multiple repetitions


Medicine Ball Workouts 8.  Halo

This exercise targets your shoulders and upper back, along with challenging core stability. Here is the method of performing a halo with a medicine ball. 

19 Best Medicine Ball Workouts for Beginners Halo


Muscles Worked

  • Shoulders and Upper Back

Equipment Used

  • Medicine Ball

How to Do it 

  • Stand tall with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold the medicine ball from both sides with each hand.
  • Bend down with the medicine ball, ensuring that the ball is in front of the gap between your legs
  • Circle the medicine ball around your head as if tracing a halo
  • Make sure your legs and core are firm and stable during the exercise. You can promote mobility through the upper back and shoulders
  • Perform ten smooth, fluid halo circles at each side


Medicine Ball Workouts 9.  Mountain Climbers

There are different variations of mountain climbers' exercises. However, the med ball version is pretty simple. Here is the procedure to perform this exercise using a medicine ball. 

19 Best Medicine Ball Workouts for Beginners Mountain Climbers


Muscles Worked

  • Shoulders, Chest, Triceps, Abs, and Serratus Anterior

Equipment Used

  • Medicine Ball

How to Do it 

  • Get into a push-up position with both your palms on the med ball.
  • The med ball should be in front of your chest on the ground. Make sure both your arms are straight and beneath your shoulders.
  • While engaging your core, lift one leg off the floor and raise that knee until it gets in front of your chest.
  • Make sure your entire body maintains a straight-line position throughout the exercise.
  • Reach to the starting position and repeat the exercise with the other leg


Medicine Ball Workouts 10.  Overhead Triceps Extension

Generally, this exercise is performed while standing; however, you can also perform it while sitting on a chair or a stability ball. 

19 Best Medicine Ball Workouts for Beginners Overhead Triceps Extension


Muscles Worked

  • Back and Arms

Equipment Used

  • Medicine Ball

How to Do it 

  • Stand in a comfortable position with your core engaged
  • While holding the medicine balls in your hands, extend your arms overhead. The inner arms should be grazing the ears.
  • Bend your elbows while lowering the med ball behind your head until your arms form a 45-degree angle. Or reach as far as comfortable.
  • Squeeze your triceps to straighten your arms while bringing the ball back to the initial position


Medicine Ball Workouts 11.  Medicine Ball Planks

The Medicine ball plank is a great exercise to strengthen your core. Here is the procedure to perform this exercise. 

19 Best Medicine Ball Workouts for Beginners Medicine Ball Planks


Muscles Worked

  • Spine, Lats, Trapezius, Core, Quads, Hamstrings, Triceps, and Glutes

Equipment Used

  • Medicine Ball

How to Do it 

  • Get into a plank or push-up position. Place the medicine ball on the floor. Put both your hands on the medicine ball. The medicine ball should be placed directly under your shoulder blades.
  • Reach back to your right leg and then to your left leg, and step up onto your toes. Make sure your legs are straight along with your entire body.
  • You can open your feet hip-width apart or shoulder-width apart for stability.
  • Once you get into a proper plank position with your hands on the med ball, maintain the position for as long as possible.
  • There is no such thing as “reps” in this exercise. Your task is to maintain the posture for as long as possible.
  • If possible, try to stay in the plank position for 60 seconds. Otherwise, maintain this position for as long as you can.


Medicine Ball Workouts 12.  Plank with Feet on Ball

Plank with feet on a ball is somewhat similar to simple plank. The only difference is that you have to place your feet on the med ball and your hands on the floor. 

19 Best Medicine Ball Workouts for Beginners Plank with Feet on Ball


Muscles Worked

  • Spine, Lats, Trapezius, Core, Quads, Hamstrings, Triceps, and Glutes

Equipment Used

  • Medicine Ball

How to Do it 

  • Get into a plank position with your hands on the floor.
  • Reach back to your right leg and then to your left leg and place your feet on the med ball.
  • Try to maintain this position for as long as possible
  • Again, you don't have to perform multiple repetitions; you have to keep the posture for as long as possible.


Medicine Ball Workouts 13.  Russian Twist

You can use an exercise mat to perform a Russian twist. This is another healthy exercise, especially if you want to target your obliques. Here is a complete method of performing this exercise. 

19 Best Medicine Ball Workouts for Beginners Russian Twist


Muscles Worked

  • Obliques

Equipment Used

  • Medicine Ball

How to Do it 

  • Sit on an exercise mat with your legs bent at a 45-degree angle. Your feet should be touching the floor (exercise mat)
  • Hold the medicine ball with extended arms in front of you
  • Engage your core while twisting your torso and move the medicine ball to your right side until it nearly touches the ground
  • Bring the ball back to the middle
  • Repeat the same procedure for the left side
  • Perform multiple sets of 10 repetitions on each side


Medicine Ball Workouts 14.  Russian Twist with Elevated Feet

The only difference between a simple Russian twist and a Russian twist with elevated feet is that, in the latter case, you have to keep your feet in the air instead of placing them on the ground. 

19 Best Medicine Ball Workouts for Beginners Russian Twist with Elevated Feet


Muscles Worked

  • Obliques

Equipment Used

  • Medicine Ball

How to Do it 

  • Continue rotating the med ball on each side while keeping your feet in the air.


Medicine Ball Workouts 15.  Single-Leg Deadlift

Single leg deadlift challenges your stability and isolates one leg at a time. That's how it helps in addressing any imbalances that you may have. Primarily single-leg deadlift targets your hamstrings; however, it also involves glutes, maximus, soleus, oblique, and transversus abdominis. Here are the directions to perform this exercise. 

19 Best Medicine Ball Workouts for Beginners Single-Leg Deadlift


Muscles Worked

  • Hamstrings

Equipment Used

  • Medicine Ball

How to Do it 

  • Stand with your feet together and the medicine ball in your hands in front of you.
  • While slightly bending your right leg, bend at your hips while allowing your torso to fall forward.
  • Extend your left leg straight out behind you. Make sure that your back is straight, the core is tight, and your hips are square to the ground.
  • When your torse gets parallel to the ground, reach back to the upright position.
  • Perform multiple sets of repetitions on each side


Medicine Ball Workouts 16. Single-Leg Glute Bridge

The single-leg glute bridge is a great medicine ball workout to strengthen your legs and back muscles. Here is the procedure to perform this exercise. 

19 Best Medicine Ball Workouts for Beginners Single-Leg Glute Bridge


Muscles Worked

  • Hamstrings, Hip Flexors, Glutes, and Lower Back Muscles

Equipment Used

  • Medicine Ball

How to Do it 

  • Lie on the floor face up.
  • Extend your arms in front of you while holding the medicine ball with both hands. Maintain a slight bend in your elbows
  • Bend your knees and place both your heels on the ground
  • Once your feet get balanced, engage your core to lift the right leg straight into the air and flex your left foot. Maintain a slight bend in the knee.
  • While engaging your core and glute muscles, slightly lift your hips upwards. Balance your weight with your right foot and shoulders
  • Hold in this position for a few seconds, and then reach back to the starting position by placing your butt on the floor.
  • Perform multiple repetitions for each leg.


Medicine Ball Workouts 17.  Squat to Floor

This medicine ball workout strengthens your legs, quads, arms, shoulders, and obliques. In simple words, this exercise is excellent for building strength in your entire body. 

19 Best Medicine Ball Workouts for Beginners Squat to Floor


Muscles Worked

  • Legs, Quads, Arms, Shoulders, and Obliques

Equipment Used

  • Medicine Ball

How to Do it 

  • Stand tall with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Hold the medicine ball in front of you using both your hands.
  • Squat down and lie down on the floor with your faceup
  • Reach back to the starting position and bring the ball back in front of your chest.
  • This exercise will increase your heart rate and is considered a good cardiovascular exercise.


Medicine Ball Workouts 18.  Superman

Superman is a great medicine ball workout that targets your lower back and glutes. Let's see how you can perform this exercise. 

19 Best Medicine Ball Workouts for Beginners Superman


Muscles Worked

  • Lower Back and Glutes

Equipment Used

  • Medicine Ball

How to Do it 

  • Lay down on your stomach with your arms extended overhead
  • Your toes should be pointed towards the ball behind you
  • Take the med ball in your right hand and roll it to the left hand
  • Roll it back to the right hand when it reaches the left hand.
  • Continue doing so and roll it 20-30 times in one repetition


Medicine Ball Workouts 19.  Wall Ball

Wall ball is a great exercise that requires concentration, strength, and mobility. This exercise is a great way to stay fit along with building muscles. Here is the procedure to perform this exercise. 

19 Best Medicine Ball Workouts for Beginners Wall Ball


Muscles Worked

  • Hamstrings, Glutes, Chest, Biceps, Triceps, and Quadriceps

Equipment Used

  • Medicine Ball

How to Do it 

  • Stand a couple of steps away from the wall holding the medicine ball against your chest.
  • Bend your knees and throw the ball up over a marker on the wall
  • Either catch the ball on its return or let it fall on the floor
  • Bend your knees to absorb the impact and continue performing this exercise
  • This exercise is best for improving your explosive power and balance. If you want to make the exercise challenging, set the marker higher on the wall.


Final Words

Medicine ball workouts are a great addition to your daily workout routine. These exercises help in building strength, agility, and muscles. Apart from that, medicine ball workouts offer numerous other benefits. Fitness enthusiasts can easily add these exercises to their daily routine.

Pick your favorite medicine ball workout from the ones listed above and include it in your daily workout routine. You will be surprised to see the positive results within a few weeks.


Get 12% Off Now:  RitFit Rubber Medicine Ball Wall Ball 6-20 LBS

RitFit Rubber Medicine Ball Wall Ball 6-20 LBS


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