Why a Quality Barbell Collar is a MUST?
Having a loose or insecure collar can be one of the most dangerous mistakes an Olympic weightlifter can make. First of all, while you are throwing around hundreds of pounds of weight, if you do not have secure collars in place the weight can be unevenly distributed during your lifts. This can throw off your balance and increase the possibility for injury to the lifter. Not to mention that any weights that come loose during a lift are susceptible to end up flying around the gym, putting others in harms way as well.
So now that you know the dangers that come from unsecure weights and the importance of a quality barbell collar, the question remains which kind you should add to your weightlifting set. This review will take a look at three different types of collars, and the pros and cons that come with each.
Spring Collars
One of the most common barbell collars that you will find in gyms, and possibly in your home, are spring collars. These collars have two grips on the end that when pushed together, open the circular area on top. This allows you to slide it onto the bar easily and then release, which will tighten on the bar.
I have long been a fan of spring collars. They were perfect for me in the early days when I didn’t have much money to spend and needed to have something to keep my weights in place.
Aside from the benefit of it being inexpensive, the circular spring pattern on the end allows for it to grip onto the ridges that are on most barbells, making for a pretty secure fit.
With this in mind, there always seemed to be two negatives that I found with most spring collars. First, since they are simply springs, they do have a tendency to relax and lose strength over time. There have been many instances in my life where I will slide a spring collar on and it doesn’t quite stay fit.
Secondly, comparatively to newer methods (which I’ll talk about here in a bit) spring collars can be a bit of a pain to get off. Sometimes you have to wiggle them off, as they seem to get stuck on the ridges of a barbell.With these two concerns in mind, spring collars are still a decent way to go and are perfect for anyone on a budget. Just remain alert to make sure those springs don’t loosen up on you over time.The beauty of spring collars is that they are so affordable, which means if you have any issues, just grab another pair.